Co-op quest progressĬo-op campaign progress is pretty easy to manage in Diablo 4, though remember that your party leader's world state is the one that will be used.

You can also toggle cross-network communication and play in the "social" section of the options menu. Push To Talk is mapped to the ~ key by default but can be changed in the "controls" section of the options menu.

To use voice chat, open your social menu with O again and press the button in the top left of the screen that says "Join party chat." You can change your voice chat from the default Push To Talk to Open Mic as well as your audio input and output devices in the "sound" section of the options menu. To text chat, press Enter to open the chat window and then hit Tab to cycle through chat channels until you find the party chat, which has blue text by default. You can use text chat or the native, cross-platform voice chat to talk with friends in Diablo 4. You can have up to four players in a group at one time.